Back To School...
Every year, for the past 6 years, I have looked forward to going back to school. The school year puts structure back in my days, gives me some purpose after 10 weeks of lollygagging, and allows me to do what I have always done best, teach. This year going back to school is completely new, like something I've never done before in my life. This year, I am trying to learn how to keep a new balance in my life - Quinn. I am, through trial and error, learning how to balance life as a mom, teacher, wife, exerciser, healthy eater, friend, etc. After 3 days of being back at work I am happy to say that I am not yet stressed out...exhausted, yes, but not stressed out.
Wednesday was a big day for both Quinn and me...we both had our first days of school. At 6:45am, I packed up Quinn and myself and we headed into town to take Quinn to day care. I didn't cry (maybe because I'd left him so many other times this summer or maybe because I was too busy still trying to figure out what I had to do when in order to make the day work), but did not like having to leave him. Luckily for me, he is attending a daycare that one of my friends here in NWA owns so I knew he'd be well cared for and loved.
The end of the day could not come soon enough. I packed up my bags at 3:30 sharp, raced to the gym to get in a very quick 45 minute workout (I knew I'd never go if I picked him up first), and raced out to pick up my sweet boy. He had a fabulous day cooing and talking to everyone. The informed me that he gets angry when he's hungry (shoot...they didn't have to tell me that), but was just a fabulous baby (again, didn't have to tell me that either!). We got home and Quinn was EXHAUSTED! It was all I could do to keep him awake until 7:30! I tried waking him up to feed him at 8:30 and he was having none of it.
First Day of School for Both of Us
Wednesday was a big day for both Quinn and me...we both had our first days of school. At 6:45am, I packed up Quinn and myself and we headed into town to take Quinn to day care. I didn't cry (maybe because I'd left him so many other times this summer or maybe because I was too busy still trying to figure out what I had to do when in order to make the day work), but did not like having to leave him. Luckily for me, he is attending a daycare that one of my friends here in NWA owns so I knew he'd be well cared for and loved.
The end of the day could not come soon enough. I packed up my bags at 3:30 sharp, raced to the gym to get in a very quick 45 minute workout (I knew I'd never go if I picked him up first), and raced out to pick up my sweet boy. He had a fabulous day cooing and talking to everyone. The informed me that he gets angry when he's hungry (shoot...they didn't have to tell me that), but was just a fabulous baby (again, didn't have to tell me that either!). We got home and Quinn was EXHAUSTED! It was all I could do to keep him awake until 7:30! I tried waking him up to feed him at 8:30 and he was having none of it.
Overall, it was a good first week (or 3 days) back. One more week of working full time and then I get to start my part time status working only Monday, Tuesday, Thursday every week. I am so grateful that we are in a position that I don't have to work full time. I couldn't imagine missing out on Quinn's milestones (he found his feet this week!!) and I get the gift of doing my now 2 favorite things in life...being a mom and being a teacher.
Precious Moments...Quinn Found His Feet