Thursday, December 22, 2011
Friday, December 2, 2011
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Weighing In - 18 months
Every month for the past 18 months of Quinn's life, I have written him a letter. I don't know that he'll ever enjoy them, but they've been fun for me to write and a good way for me to document what's going on in his life.
Here is the letter I've written him for 18 months.
Here is the letter I've written him for 18 months.
November 29, 2011
Dear Quinn,
It is hard to believe you are 18 months old now, 32 inches tall and 22 pounds 10 ounces. You are definitely a little boy and not a baby. You think you are so independent and get so frustrated when things get in the way of your plans.
This past month has been a month of cognitive development for sure, but also a month of verbal development. You understand a lot more than you can express with words. You love to point to things and be told what they are and also like to point out what you know including things like acorns, rocks, grass, snakes, shoes, and other animals and foods. It is more than obvious that you are getting frustrated with your inability to communicate more clearly because you point, grunt, point, and grunt some more but when we still don’t do what you’re telling us to do you SCREAM! And son, I mean SCREAM!
You are a total “Mama’s Boy” and I LOVE it. Though I must admit when I find you between my legs when I’m trying to get stuff done, it does get rather annoying at times. I try to remind myself to stop and enjoy it (which usually I do) for I know this phase too will pass and I will miss it.
Though you are a “Mama’s Boy,” Daddy is your best friend. You love to “have some fun” which means you’re going to wrestle and have pillow fights while jumping on the bed, take rides on your motorcycle, and get tossed up into the air.
You are consistently saying “Bye” when people leave. You always blow a kiss first and follow it up with a “BaaaahY.” It sound very southern or like a sheep. We’re still trying to figure that out. Before you go to bed every night, you lay yourself down, grab your giraffe in one arm and puppy in the other and shout out “BaaaahY.” Daddy and I can’t help but laugh.
You’ve gotten very good at climbing and can get up on anything you want (minus the bed). You love to get up into a chair and clap for yourself. You also love to get up onto the couch and belly flop around onto whatever throw pillows you can find.
You LOVE Baby Einstein videos. I always vowed I would not let the television be a babysitter, but I have quickly learned that sometimes, if you want to get anything done, the television is just fine. You get so excited whenever you get to watch a movie. In fact, when you see the preliminary screens, you shriek in excitement and run in place. When the first images come up, forget about it. You turn yourself inside out. It’s pretty stinkin’ adorable.
You have very good fine motor skills. You can open and remove the drain from the bathtub, then put it back into the small hole, twist it and re-plug the tub. May not sound that impressive, but trust me, it is. You are also getting very good at puzzles. I was most impressed to see you doing puzzles without looking at the images, but rather just the upside down shapes. I had turned all the pieces over and asked you to get the horse. Without hesitation, you picked up the blank horse (that was backwards by the way). You were able to do the same with all the other barnyard animals. Quinn…that’s good stuff right there.
You really like anything that makes noise. Your indoor lawnmower (which might be the death of me some days) is a favorite as well as loud books, balls, and games that sing songs. You love to dance and sway side to side with the music.
You are loads of fun and just a super easy and fun young man. I pray every day that I may help you become a strong, healthy, happy, independent, loving, considerate, good humored, and intelligent man. I am doing my best love, and so is your daddy. We want nothing but the best for you in this world. You are amazing.