Life is A Journey...Come Follow Our's

Sunday, September 9, 2012

So Long Summer...Hello School

When we got out of school back in May, 12 weeks of summer seemed like an eternity, but boy was I wrong!  This summer flew by and now we're back into our daily routine including school.  Even harder to believe is that this is my students' 4th week of school and my 5th!!  WOW!

Many of you might not realize I switched schools this year and followed my principal to the other side of town to teach at Centerton Gamble Elementary School.  You might also not realize that I am super fortunate to be able to teach part time again this year - 11:00 -'s that for hours?!?!

This year has been amazing thus far.  It is night and day different from my past 5 years of teaching.  I LOVED my time at Sugar Creek - an amazing staff that was truly like family and many good memories, but so far, my time at Centerton has been EASY!  I know people say "kids are kids," but it's not true.  Kids, like adults, have different life experiences that have shaped them into who they are.  Sadly, the children I taught at  Sugar Creek (or many of them) had more adult experiences in life that I pray I will ever have.  My students came to school unprepared to learn because they had to cover their basic needs first - being loved, being fed, being clothed, etc.  They taught me a lot and I know I made a difference with my time with them.  That said, teaching doesn't have to be that hard, I've learned this year.  My students this year "get it."  You can ask them to do something and for the most part, they respond . There are not as many behavior issues, not as many excuses like "he's a meth baby" or "his mom overdosed and died while they were all sleeping in the same bed," etc, and it's just easier.  Granted my day is only 3 student hours long, but it is truly a dream.

As for Quinn, he is back at Miss Christy's House and once again LOVES it.  He can't wait to go "pay witt da boyz" everyday and see Bubba get off the bus after school.

Here are our first day of school pictures.  Enjoy!