Life is A Journey...Come Follow Our's

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Fall Festival

Last night was the Fall Carnival at my school and Quinn decided he wanted to come hang out with the big kids.  He has gotten really into Halloween this year talking about it all the time.  "Mommy, no leaves...Happy Halloween!"  "Mommy, where da puppy costume?"  For days he was talking about getting to wear his puppy costume and it was a struggle to convince him that he couldn't wear it to the gym and to Ms. Christy's house.  In fact, our conversation yesterday morning went something like this:

Me:  Good Morning Love.  Did you sleep well.
Q:  Yes, where da puppy costume?
Me:  Mommy packed it so we can wear it after Ms. Christy's house.
Q:  No, wear it now?
Me:  No, we're going to go to the gym, then Ms. Christy's house, then you get to wear the puppy costume.
Q:  Puppy costume first?
Me:  No...after Ms. Christy's.
Q:  Mmmm...No, puppy costume first.

Needless to say, he was so excited when I picked him up at Christy's house and he got to dress up in his costume.  Here are a few pics...Brad was even able to come enjoy the festivities for awhile!

With the cutest puppy

Daddy and Quinn (he wouldn't put down his Jump Zone prize for even a second)

On another note...we are now 15 weeks pregnant.  If you didn't know me, you wouldn't know I was pregnant, but anyone who knows me knows that my belly button is protruding, and my stomach is much rounder than normal.  No complaints here though...feeling GREAT!

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Monday, October 8, 2012

Back From Bean Town

As a child, some of my favorite memories were spending time with my mom's side of the family in New England.  I always looked forward to visiting my cousins and hanging out in the driveway, in the backyard, at the beach, and in the city.  Naturally, part of my dreams as a mother include bringing my children back so they can have similar memories.  This weekend was my first chance and it definitely did not let me down!

Quinn and I boarded his 20 and 21st airplanes on Thursday morning and headed out to celebrate my cousin Michelle's wedding.  Best part of this weekend was unarguably going to be the fact that most my family would be there - Nonna and Papa, my aunts and uncles, my mom, brother, sister, and a ton of my cousins - as well as so many people from my past that are not directly related to me but whom I spent plenty of time with.

My cute date 

Quinn and Nonna - wish it wasn't so blurry

Friday we headed out to one of my favorite beaches - Rockport, MA.  It was unusually warm for October 5th at nearly 80 degrees so we took advantage of it and let Quinn play on the beach, ate ice cream, and walked around the stereotypical New England beach town.

Rockport, MA

What time out of the beach looks like

Living the easy life

Quinn and me Harborside

Not so sure about that lobster

Dinosaur Crunch Ice Cream...

...with this view!!!

Cleaning up from the beach at the pool with Uncle Anthony

Saturday we met up with some friends from college in the morning.  Lee Ann and Sean were nice enough to spend their morning with us at the Topsfield Fair - an agricultural fair that is a tradition for many in New England.  Quinn, Seamus, and Ailene loved getting up close and personal with the animals and I just enjoyed seeing old friends!

Quinn, Seamus, and Ailene with the cows

That evening was Michelle and Ryan's wedding and what a beautiful evening it was!

Auntie Lisa - Mother of the Bride

My beautiful cousins Linda and Lori

Uncle Anthony and the STUNNING Bride Michelle

How you keep toddlers entertained during a Catholic Mass

Mom, Quinn, and Me

My Handsome Date and Me

Mom and her kids

The Italian cousins who could make it

Cousin Elaina and Quinn - instant buddies

Papa, Quinn, and Nonna

Good thing they are second cousins

So much fun!

Lisa, Michelle (the beautiful bride), Mom, and Me

Tearing up the dance floor with Uncle A

Nonna asked "Where's Quinn?"  "Right here!!"

Honestly, other than having Brad there with us, I could not have asked for a better weekend.  I was able to see so many people that mean so much to me and got to share them with Quinn as well.  I loved seeing how instantly comfortable Quinn was with everyone, as if he knew "they love me and I love them too."

Monday, October 1, 2012

And The Weeks Fly By...

That's it, I'm sorry, I'm horrible at keeping photos up to date.  I know I am forgiven so thank you :)

Seems like every weekend in September has been jam packed with activities from birthday parties, to a trip to Branson to watch Brad's brother Brian compete in his first Half Ironman, to just living life and enjoying the cooler temperatures.  Since pictures speak a thousand words, I'll quit mine now and just share some pics...

Building with Toothpicks and Grapes Courtesy of Pinterest

"Show Me How Handsome You Are Quinn..."

First Pinata at Hadley's Birthday Party

Date Night!!!

Oh Quinn...How Daddy Just Loves This!

Our Newest Family Photo :)

YES!!!  We are expecting...due April 21st, 2013!!!