Life is A Journey...Come Follow Our's

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

So Proud

It's taken me so long to post, but I didn't want to go too long without telling everyone how proud of Brad I am. On Sunday, October 11th, with a temperature of 39 degrees outside, Brad ran THE Chicago Marathon and finished it under his goal time of 4:00:00!! He ended up averaging 9:05 minute miles for 26.2 miles. I don't know about anyone else, but I don't even like driving 26.2 miles somedays, let alone running it!

Honestly, I don't think it was the marathon that was the hardest part, but rather all the training. Long training runs every Saturday (maxing out at 22 miles), hill runs, and more every week for 18 weeks!! That's a long time to be focused on one goal, but Brad did it and followed the training manual to a "t"! He earned every bit of his 26.2 miles and I am so proud of him for doing it all and training for it right!

Here's a picture of my mom who was out there cheering for him and the 45,000 other runners that cold Sunday morning...

On another note, we had our first ultrasound back here in Northwest Arkansas with Dr. Smith. We are 11 weeks now and everything is looking GREAT! Our baby has 2 arms and legs, is almost 2 inches long, and was moving quite a bit. The heart rate was's still anyone's guess if it's a boy or a girl! Almost through this first trimester...2 more weeks and we'll feel so much more confident about everything.

We're going to see Riverdance this weekend and are looking forward to a visit from Brad's sister Michelle and brother-in-law Fred next week. Life is good and that's about all I have to say about that.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

I've Graduated!

I've graduated. No more trips to Tulsa...I get to finally start seeing my doctor here in NWA...HURRAY! I LOVE my doctor and nurse in Tulsa, but the 7 hours journeys have just become an awful lot!

We are officially 9 weeks pregnant (as of my appointment yesterday) and it was amazing to see how much our baby has changed. S/he is now the size of a grape, has arms and legs, the umbilical cord is finally growing, and you could actually identify things on the ultrasound. Here's my favorite ultrasound picture. You can see the baby's eye, arms, and it looks like he or she is smiling! I LOVE IT!!

It was actually a pretty funny appointment. As soon as the doctor started the ultrasound and found the baby, his response was "Whoa...that's a big baby!" Apparently, he or she is measuring 2 days ahead of where they're supposed to be already! I told him "I cannot have a 10 pound baby!" Even cooler though was that the baby was SUPER active, swimming all over the place. At 9 weeks, this is apparently atypical, but I got a kick out of it. Perhaps they'll be as active as their mommy and daddy are?!?! Shoot...hope we can handle that!

A GREAT week in the Pope House despite some colds going around. Brad's heading up to Chicago to run the Chicago Marathon this weekend and I'm heading up to Kansas City to visit with my sister and her family! Life is good...God is good.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Fall Weekends

Fall is my favorite time in Northwest Arkansas. The mornings are crisp and cool yet the daytime is still warm and beautiful. There seems to never be a cloud in the clear blue sky. The leaves are starting to change and everything is just beautiful.

We kicked off fall this weekend with what might become a yearly tradition, the Pope Catfish Campout (er...slumber party?) on Friday night. With the air cool and campfire roaring it was the perfect night. We had some of our greatest friends in NWA here and as always, there was never a dull moment. We learned that you could take smores to the next level by using Ghiradelli peanutbutter chocolate (it's thin enough that even the peanutbutter inside can melt), the game Chubby Bunny will leave you foaming at the mouth, IBC rootbeer looks the same as beer, and camp chairs, alcohol, and a steep hill does not often end up with anyone upright for long.

As promised, I did not campout. I visited The Hotel Pope and slept so well in my bed, but I did miss some excitement I later found out. Although we were unsuccessful catching any catfish from the dock before midnight, Brad jimmy rigged fishing poles out of plastic bottles. He threw them out into the lake and sure enough, that stinky bait (chicken liver...EW) started being pulled down the lake. Out in the paddle boat they went and they pulled in 2 catfish! One was pretty small, but check out how prehistoric and big that 2nd one was!!! I honestly can say I was not too upset that I missed seeing that nasty bottom feeder. There's just something about catfish that grosses me out. I can't help but think about the fish from The Simpsons that has 19 eyes and lives in the polluted waters by Mr. Burns' company. I was very happy to have the excuse "I'm pregnant" to keep me from having to sample their great catch.

In case you missed out on the are a few pictures to convince you why you need to come next year!

Brad and Maria cozying up by the fire
"See...I told you Smores would make you smile!"
Lindsay and Robert...the cute new couple
My Sweet Friend Karie and me
Good Gym Friends...Megan and Maria

Chubby Bunny courtesy of Chris and Sara!

Too cold to tube, but a perfect place to relax and watch the lines

Check out how big and mean this guy looks...
yes, Brad and Don too, but I'm talking about the catfish!

Look at the size of that thing! No Fish Tale Here!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Who Teaches Parents To Be Parents?

Well...take a look at some of our students and you realize that sadly, no one. I just don't understand it. There are so many wonderful couples out there dying to have a child of their own and then you have these "yahoos," if I may call them that, who continue to reproduce with how many different baby-daddies, don't take care of their children, and then get angry when you tell them that their child is not normal. HELLO?!?!? When is the government going to start paying for tubals to stop these "yahoos" from reproducing? It just drives me CRAZY!